On Tue, 14 Mar 2000, John Cavan wrote:

> Hi all,
> Just to let you know... I installed the contrib RPMS for the new XFree86
> and, after a bit of struggle and one kernel (2.3.51) recompile, it's
> pretty rocking! Of course, it helps to have a Voodoo3 card, the
> accelerated 3D in a window is pretty nice. :o)

I'm not sure about the rpm, but I installed from source and the Inspiron
7500 ATI Rage Pro driver works without problems...except if the console is
in vesa fbdev mode the text doesn't come back, no biggie.  Accelleration
is much nicer, but ATI still has DGA issues, so things like VMware
complain on startup (overall I never really used full screen mode and it
seems faster anyhow)

> Just a note though... the man pages are screwed badly. All the ones I
> tried failed to open:
> fgets: No such file or directory
> Error reading man page /usr/X11R6/man/man1/XFree86.1x.bz2
> No manual entry for XFree86

This happened on my source install too....here is how I fixed it:

find /usr/X11R6/man -size 0 -exec rm {} \;

still looks like an XFree issue on the install, but that's a better kludge
than rebuilding the whole thing and weeding thru messy makefiles trying to
find the real problem =)


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