On Wed, 5 Apr 2000, Michal Rokos wrote:

> Hello Essam,
>    I tried 2.3.99pre4 and I was quite unhappy. I recommend you 2.3.99pre3.
>  I have no problem there.
> For correct run 2.3.99 you need:
>   -- in /etc/fstab: none /var/shm shm defaults 0 0 (you also need /var/shm
>  directory)

The initscripts have a bug. If you have /var/shm in your fstab like you're
supposed to, it triwes to get ounted twice. There's also some problems
unmoumnting directories when you shut down.

>   -- devfsd daemon running (for backward compatibility - present in cooker
>  (devfsd-*.rpm) and is supported in newest initscripts)
>   -- ??? (I hope that's enough)

YOu need to edit the config file I think. The worst part is mandrake
doesn't allow different modules.conf for each version. so you'll have to
write a new modules.conf since devfsd has chnaged things a lot. Get the
running kernel version and make a symlink (there's a script somewhere
installed to get just the kernel version.

The kernel RPMS have a bug, as pre4 needs to be added to extraversion, or
it will stay 2.3.99-1.0 and not 2.3.99pre4-1.0 and look for modules in the
wrong directory.

> But I don't know why your XFree stopped working after upgrading to 2.3.99
>                 Regards
>                          Michal

XFree86 4.0 was working for me. Now I get a kernel panic and my screen
goes blank. I even tried recompiling the kernel. N go, X just stopped

> > 
> > After installing the hackkernel(2.3.99) I could not fire up my X-server.
>  I
> > got the following message: Authentication Failed -- Cannot start X server
> > Perhaps you donot have console ownership?
> > 
> > Please any idea to get around this problem. I have been stucked.
> > 
> > Thanks a lot.
> > Essam Hammam.
> > 

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