I have been using it under wintendo... and it hangs when tring to download a file...
and continung browsing, sometimes it finishes downloading without a hickup...
I have not tried the linux version becouse it looks a lot like Mozilla...
so I guess the next generation of netscape browsers tend to be based in Mozilla.

actually I am still using Mozilla-v-13 and waiting for realease m14 ;o)

CPT KIDD wrote:
if anybodies interested.


something like /pub/netscape6pre/unix/linux....etc....it's a tar...untar it to
a place of your preference and run it from that directory by "./netscape" and
not "netscape" if you already have netscape installed.

used teh browser in win98 se and it crashed 2-3 times.  installed it in linux
and has yet to crash.  mmmm.....just wishful thinking?

I liked the browser myself.  stuff is d/l'ing in under ~1 second.  IE took 3-5
seconds to d/l material & display it.  of course, high speed isp users
will like this most....and man i do! 


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