I've now read several mails about Netscape 6. I've tried it on both Mandrake
and NT. It sucks !!! You're much better off getting the latest nightly build
from Mozilla !

The main problems with Netscape 6 / Mozilla appears to be 

1)  No java support for the Linux version, the NT version is shipping with Sun
JRE 1.3 beta ! These people really support Linux, I don't think.

2)  There are no plugins available yet. If there ever will be is a good
question. According to the latest from Mozilla there is going to be a new
plugin engine that won't be backwards compatible. Will people write brand new
plugins just for Mozilla ? Only if it takes off big time, so don't hold your
breath. Couple this with M$ latest attempt to de-rail other browsers /
platforms by declaring non compliance with W3C standards from now on and it all
appears to be a bit of a gamble ?!?! 

On Wed, 12 Apr 2000, you wrote:
> On Tue, 11 Apr 2000, Ryan Wahle wrote:
> > No, I've used M14 and its' different.. sure the base is the same, but
> > everything is netscape branded, aim is included, and it's also got ssl --
> > all which m14 don't have..
> m14 has ssl...
> http://docs.iplanet.com/docs/manuals/psm/psm-mozilla/index.html
> This is also linked from the m14 download page.
> Havn't tried netscape 6.0beta1 yet but if they don't manage to completely
> break some of the kewl features of mozilla it may actually be a really
> decent browser, the ability to filter images by site name is just too cool
> ;)
> -dws

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