On Sat, May 20, 2000 at 10:58:48AM -0600, Vincent Danen wrote:
> Yeah, I see it won't compile either.  Quick question, doesn't cfte work
> for you?  Isn't that the console version?  What's the difference between
> cfte and vfte (I haven't got a clue)?
> I'll see if there is a newer version and will try to upgrade the RPM to
> see if that makes a difference.

cfte is to recompile your configuration.
vfte is fte-console.
i haven't used vfte in linux before (just on my nt-box at the office,
there is a win version of vfte, os/2 as well) and found it would be nice
to have just like vim/gvim.
It must exist somehow ;)
Found a rpm for "conectiva linux" (??), it has all the binaries.
Binaries don't work on my system tho.
Maybe i can catch the author in #icewm (yeah he is the icewm dude)


damn i'm looking good

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