Le lun 10/03/2003 à 14:00, Adam Williamson a écrit :
> ...can you back up the argument that KDE 3 is "simpler" than GNOME 2?
> > Well I would answer you but Jean Michael has done a better job of explaining. 
> I don't see that anywhere...but then, Cooker seems to have been missing
> messages again lately.

Here is a cut-and-paste of what I said:

Gnome is a good environment for experienced Linux people, but it lacks a
lot of polish for people coming from the Windows world.

Take the file dialog for example. Tell some corporate users they have to
save everything on the file server, in /mnt/corporate. They'll have to
click on the ".." entry, then they'll get in /home and see all the
users, be confused, and maybe they'll try .. again and then click on
/mnt and then click on /corporate and finally save their stuff at the
right place.

Then look at the KDE file dialog, at the left, you have a nice place
where people can make their shortcuts. Put it in the system wide
configuration, and every user will have a FILESERVER icon that they can
use easily.

Take gnome-ppp versus kppp. gnome-ppp insists on a MRU of 296, and even
if you change the settings, it doesn't use them, the 296 value is
hard-coded into the gnome-ppp binary. This breaks EarthLink, who will
not accept 296 as a valid MRU (that 296 value was valid when everyone
was using 9600 modems BTW).

It's little things, but all these little things add up...


> relating it to specific things in KDE and GNOME, it doesn't wash. If you
> *can* relate it to specific things that aren't already being worked on,

Are my examples specific enough?

I would add to this the fact that gnome always complains if the hostname
doesn't resolve (this is a PITA), the icons are really bad compared to
the KDE ones (specially the home icon), that kcalc does hexadecimal,
octal, binary, while the gnome one doesn't even have a "%" key (WTF?). I
start konqueror, click on a .tar.gz, it shows the contents, if I try the
same thing with Nautilus, it says it has no viewer.

Maybe these issues can be easily adressed, but it really looks like the
GNOME team is too focused on the environment, and not enough focused on
the applications.

> I just don't see the difference, to be honest. Your average luser runs
> an email client and a browser, right? I just don't see the difference

For the most part, yes, but there are many other things to do.
Calculator, chat, instant messaging for example.

> xchat and gftp aren't GNOME apps, they're GTK+ apps, not part of the
> GNOME project. There's a difference. They don't integrate with the GNOME
> framework at all (afaik), intentionally. gaim is almost the same - its
> GNOME integration is optional and currently very limited.

Does GNOME provide any apps besides the file manager, browser and e-mail
client? ;-)

Now I don't say GNOME is not suitable for some people, just that for new
users, it might have some rough edges. 


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