David Talbot wrote:
> I think the rsync'ed cookers out there like to ride the bleeding edge where
> those of us who wait for the beta isos are looking for more of a "Ok, we've
> fixed the last round of bugs, now report only bugs that happen in this
> version."

The other reason to do the rsync'ed cookers is when the beta isos' end
up not being up to snuff ( lack of menus in beta2 in kde for one.)

Some ideas worth thinking about:

* a daily posting as to what packages have been changed.
* perhaps in the beta versions the Mandrake Update tool being used for
  updating systems with cooker already installed. ( I belive Microsoft
  did this somewhat with W2K with Windows Update).

> We hit the servers up for the isos, burn CD's and go through the whole
> install just like someone who had just purchased the gold. I like
> mandrake's whole beta system here. They don't behave like they're rushed to
> push 7.1 out the door before it's ready. I think they're waiting for one of
> the isos to come back with 0 or near 0 bugs reported before they call it
> 7.1 final. Great system, M$ could take a lesson from it.

I'm cool with that approach.  Until it's stable I'll keep grinding my
spare partition to try cooker as a clean install, then I'll replace my
stable 7.0 installation when 7.1 comes out!

(Please more than 1-2 servers with ISO's please....)

Keep Cool guys...


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