On Mon, 2003-03-17 at 23:21, Benjamin Pflugmann wrote:
> On Mon 2003-03-17 at 21:50:20 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> [...]
> > > On the other hand, the typical MS Windows user/admin will simply hit
> > > "OK", because they are used to do this all the time (that is not meant
> > > as a flame, but personal experience with MS Windows users).
> > 
> > On this point .. had a friend of mine who would always install a little
> > program he had on windows systems... If would randomly pop up the usual
> > window message and since most windows users didn't read them... if you
> > clicked OK it turned the box off.  No harm done, but my fav is one guy
> > who reported "Everytime I click ok the box turns off"  We told him "Then
> > don't click ok!" He then said something that made me think. "But you
> > have to click ok don't you?"
> Yeah, that was exactly my point. MS Windows kind of conditions people
> into pressing OK without actually reading/understanding the message
> (not sure about newer versions, my experience is mostly with people
> using 95 and 98SE). I think it is because so often you have no choice,
> but have to simply accept whatever it tells you. There is this old
> joke, which is representative for this: "Your mouse has moved. Windows
> must be restarted for the change to take effect. Reboot now? [ OK ]"
> I very much like the idea of the reboot program. A almost perfect way
> to recondition such people. Have to google if it and if there isn't
> one available, I am probably going to write one myself. Won't be that
> hard. :-) Thanks for the idea.
> Bye,
>       Benjamin.

Could I be so bold as to request a copy?  

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