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Jean-Michel Dault wrote:
> Le lun 17/03/2003 à 18:10, Buchan Milne a écrit :
>>If you have people running Windows domains, and are trying to convince
>>them to host on Mandrake, hopefully winbind auth in install works, and
>>can ask them to enter a domain admin username/password, and have instant
>>personal webpages (after mkdir /etc/skel/public_html and a bit of
>>to commonhttpd.conf).
> A couple of years ago, I had setup my ISP so windows users could have a
> W: drive that was mapped to their public_html, so this is quite the
> opposite of what you're suggesting.

Not really, the only thing I am adding is winbind, which means that you
will never have to add user accounts to the linux box, and if you do use
samba, it can auto-create home directories also without much effort.

> What I want is to replace all Microsoft Domain controllers by Linux
> boxes, and to have every Windows user log in to that domain, with
> pre-mapped drives, printers, backups and anti-virus. I started such a
> setup at one of our customer's sites, but Todd has taken over. I'm now
> looking for a way to have a standard setup so I could have a
> "server-in-a-box" appliance.

This is pretty easy to do if you are happy with a single domain. With
the ldap-enabled RPMS, you can have multiple domain controllers (but I
think still only one domain ... but possible multiple ... need to test
this). I still need to get around to generating a domain-controller
specific smb.conf in the rpm. But, using ntlogon (in contrib, example
samba config in the default smb.conf) to auto-generate login scripts,
use a vscan module on the server, store profiles on the server, restrict
permissions on the desktop machines, and run amanda on the file servers,
you're waxed.

I do setups similar to this (usually without ldap, since it requires
less education for the admins) in one day for smallish networks (20-30
machines), including firewall, mail server (with virus scanning) etc.

Only think we haven't bothered with here is auto-setting up printers (at
present the user must just browse the print server and double-click on
the printers), but that can be done with con2prt.exe available in the
Windows Resource Kit in a login script.


- --
|--------------Another happy Mandrake Club member--------------|
Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work            +27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering         http://www.cae.co.za
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