On Tue, 2003-03-18 at 04:00, Jan Ciger wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> > > > Don't you want to try a Qt-only app on GNOME to confirm? mysqlcc or
> > > > qcad or something else qt-only should do.
> > >
> > > Just tried a pure qt app in an Xnested Fluxbox and it segfaults. The
> > > same app runs fine in gnome:
> > > $ ./qttest
> > > Xlib: extension "RENDER" missing on display ":1.0".
> > > Segmentation fault.
> >
> > Just also made sure that the same app was running fine in Fluxbox on a
> > local :1.0 display.
> Could it be, that Qt is compiled with antialiasing (Xft) on ? That needs 
> Render and on nested displays you (obviously) do not have Render extension, 
> so it exits ... 

   I get the same thing here in a regular window (ie my desktop)
anti-aliasing etc is working fine.  But only in vnc or Xnest do the qt
applications give this kind of error.  Same version of vnc in 9.0 works
fine.  So I don't suspect vnc.  
> But how to fix this, I have no idea, since if you disable antialiasing in Qt, 
> many apps (KDE) will look ugly. Perhaps smarter handling of antialiasing in 
> Qt is needed ?

If you do (and you are right, it is butt ugly) disable it you still get
this same error.  But again only in Xnest or vnc.


> Jan
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