I don't think that you want to remove the choice of selecting
individual, optional packages. What I recommend though is that you
remove all required packages from the list, which should trim the info
back a bit.


Denis HAVLIK wrote:
> :~>The graphical installer is nice and all, but it has a very irritating
> :~>tendency to have treeviews disappear when expanded or collapsed,
> :~>requiring some scrolling to bring it visible again. Fixing this would be
> This tree had a major rewrite for 7.1
> :~>a huge blessing for installation. And don't get me started on the colour
> :~>scheme... ;o)
> Actually, I would like to get some input on color scheme. I have a feeling
> that noone is really happy with it as it is, but noone offers anything
> better either. If you can put some examples of better collor
> schemes online (we cannot discuss colors withouth pictures), please do so.
> :~>This will probably cause a flame war, but it may be better to take a
> :~>slightly different approach to the package selection, more similar
> :~>to the way Windows does it. Bear in mind that the Windows style does
> At the moment, we offer three ways of choosing packages:
> 1) you trust us to give you a nice set of packages.
> 2) step 1: you tell the installer what kind of packages you are
>            interested in, and trust us that we know which packages
>            go in which group
>    step 2: by moving a slider left-right, you decide how many MB
>         of packages you really want, and trust us to give you only "the
>         best of" if you move the slider to the left.
> 3) you want to choose the packages individually
> I beleive that 1 and 2 are fine, but 3 is a kind of stupid with 1000+
> packages. This is a major problem, but at the moment noone knows how to
> improve the process - we are completely open for sugestions here.
> cu
>         Denis
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Dr. Denis Havlik                <http://www.ap.univie.ac.at/users/havlik>
> Mandrakesoft            |||     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Quality Assurance      (@ @)    (private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> -------------------oOO--(_)--OOo---------------------

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