Adam Williamson wrote:
> The problem is that optimising for your system sounds all l33t and cool
> but really, it's not, it's a huge waste of time. The only meaty
> difference between i586 and the later processors so far as GCC cares are
> the additional instruction sets, MMX, SSE and 3D Now! These are
> particularly useful only to a tiny minority of applications. For the
> vast majority of applications you'll see no real increase in speed at
> all between compiling for i586 and compiling for athlon-xp. Don't start
> crying "gentoo!", because if you get speed boosts via gentoo it's
> generally by using very aggressive compilation options, not by
> targetting your own processor architecture. For the minority of
> applications for which compiling for MMX, in particular, is useful -
> basically, media encoders - there will be a system of alternative
> libraries, as Austin explained.

The problem is theoretically that's all cool and sounds right, but then you go rebuild 
the major parts of your system for i686 and you notice a significant increase in 
interactive performance.  Note I mean recompiling SRPMS on Mandrake, not switching to 

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