On Sat, 2003-03-29 at 20:14, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Quoting Adam Williamson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > * One-click/one-command rebuild-the-distro-optimized command. This
> > should
> > >   have the option of either rebuilding RPMs for everything it has an
> > SRPM
> > >   to hand for, or rebuilding just the instaklled packages - and
> > >   consequently rebuild URPMI updates if need be.
> > 
> > As this was discussed already, I'd just like to record that I agree
> > with
> > the conclusion some others came to: it'd probably be a reasonably
> > large
> > amount of work for very little return.
> focourse also optimizations for my system and not jus ti586 for example...

The problem is that optimising for your system sounds all l33t and cool
but really, it's not, it's a huge waste of time. The only meaty
difference between i586 and the later processors so far as GCC cares are
the additional instruction sets, MMX, SSE and 3D Now! These are
particularly useful only to a tiny minority of applications. For the
vast majority of applications you'll see no real increase in speed at
all between compiling for i586 and compiling for athlon-xp. Don't start
crying "gentoo!", because if you get speed boosts via gentoo it's
generally by using very aggressive compilation options, not by
targetting your own processor architecture. For the minority of
applications for which compiling for MMX, in particular, is useful -
basically, media encoders - there will be a system of alternative
libraries, as Austin explained.

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