David Aspinall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>  > Also, for bugs already cited and not been fixed, it often comes from the
>  > fact that either it seems a very minor bug and we're stuck to bigger
>  > problems, or, we don't know how to fix it.
> Have you thought of using a bug tracking system for the distribution?

yep. we do now. we are in progress, to make it publicly available to you
cookers. should be done within weeks.

> It could cut down the amount of traffic on this list, repeated 
> problems, etc, ...

not true IMHO. just look at the number of things people ask even when we
answer. there is too much traffic here so that people can read all. for
the bug tracking system it's the same. when people have a bug they are
lazy to consult the bug tracking system.

Guillaume Cottenceau

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