On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 19:15, Robert L Martin wrote:
> I will not continue this conversation any further, if it's
> wished. However, I want the input of the cooker community about
> this.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Until there is evidence that the country is GONE leave the Flag/
> Settings in (you do run into stuff made in Taiwan[ROC} so...).
> As a Born and Bred American gimme a Hamburger with Swiss Cheese a
> side of French Fries and a slice of German Chocolate cake and don't
> forget the toy stamped made in Taiwan either. Political Correctness
> is a Evil Bad and Wrong reason to Patch code.

For full effect you need to get it from the takeway while driving a 
Brazilian car powered by Saudi oil listening to an African group on 
your Thai-built radio under Italian-made lights and wash it down with a 
Singaporean grass-jelly drink. (-:

Cheers; Leon

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