En/na magic ha escrit:
I was just wondering if anyone has gotten postfix to work this way under mdk 9.1.

  I am getting error:
  postfix/smtpd[2693]: fatal: no SASL authentication mechanisms

I am successfully authenticating imap (cyrus), ssh, login against an ldap backend using saslauthd & pam (just can't get Postfix going). I

Postfix in 9.1 uses sasl v1, so it cannot use saslauthd. It can use pwcheck but I doubt pwcheck can use ldap. Since sasl v1 can use pam directly you can try to put in /etc/sasl/smtpd.conf (before 9.1 it would have been /usr/lib/sasl/smtpd.conf) the line


but that's going to work only if postfix has enough privileges to access the required files (for example, it wouldn't work if it had to access /etc/shadow). Configure /etc/pam.d/smtp to use ldap and it should work. It does for me (under 8.2) with pam_smb. Oh, under 9.1 postfix is chrooted, so it's possible that the correct sasl configuration file is /var/spool/postfix/etc/sasl/smtpd.conf instead.


Que les importa a las viudas, a los huérfanos, a los desvalidos
si las masacres se hacen en nombre del totalitarismo o en el
sagrado nombre de la libertad y la democracia.
    Mahatma Gandhi (1869 - 1948)

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