About rpmdrake.
Advanced features are discussed here. Good. They grow.
Basic features or nifty features disappear with time. Sad.
What do I mean ?

A newbie installs a shiny Mandrake 9.1. (S)He discovers the control
panel. Good.

Now (s)he needs a particular software. Having heard that it's very easy,
launches rpmdrake, type a keyword and ... no response or low-relevance

Why ? Because the software is actually already installed. And rpmdrake
doesn't show already installed software...

So, with current tools, a newbie may not find the software needed, only
because it is already installed. It happens. Isn't that sad ?

It would be better that rpmdrake also show already-installed software,
maybe greyed out or with a mention "this software is already installed
on your machine".

Additional arguments:

Ok, major software is visible in the menu... if you know in which menu
to look. Some software doesn't appear in the menu. Newbies are lost.

Newbies don't have a clear idea about the amount of pre-installed
software. Advanced users know the rule but don't know by heart what is
installed. They like to have a comprehensive answer (available + already

The problem is that people launch rpmdrake, thinking "I need a software
that does X". rpmdrake answers "here is software that does X *and* isn't
on your machine". Frustration.

Thank you for your attention. Comments welcome.

Stéphane Gourichon - Labo. d'Informatique de Paris 6 - AnimatLab
http://animatlab.lip6.fr/ - philo du dimanche http://amphi-gouri.org/

« La meilleure façon de prédire l'avenir, c'est de le créer » Peter Drucker

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