Luca Berra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 16, 2003 at 07:16:36PM +0200, Han Boetes wrote:
> > I had some troubles with lilo and pam and had to spend considerable
> > time in single user mode and the only editor available was.... vi.
> well there is e3 which is static linked (9K) and has many emulation
> modes, including vi and emacs (a pity it is in /usr/bin)

sudo cp /usr/bin/e3em /bin /me is happy for that part. :)

> > So... something has to happen here. May I suggest it is libgpm being
> > moved to /lib
> i hate having a bloated / vim-minimal is linked vs libtermcap and
> works ok

That was not the point at all. The point is that there are libs in /lib
that are linked to libs in /usr/lib. Not good. Either they reside in
/usr/lib or they reside in /lib, but mixing is bad habbits.

# Han

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