
Just fixed it for dmapi, it is trivial:

%define lib_name_orig %mklibname dm

instead of

%define lib_name_orig libdm

Except that it should be specifying major (and possibly minor) too:

%define libname %mklibname %name %major

is the usual method, assuming you have %name and %major defined before
this. Whether you want to use -d and -s to save you typing a few letters
(evel and tatic) is up to you, except for the case below.

But I don't think mklibname works on older releases, plus it can mess
with --with options, so if you want packages to build everywhere, you
may prefer:

%define libname %{lib}%{name}%{major}

which really does the same thing (mostly, ie you have to type some extra
stuff for the devel packages).

OK... This explains how it was done for this package. I guess this can
be applied to any package complaining about missing mklib?

Rule of thumb:
- when you have a problem of that kind, look for a package maintained
by gb about how it is done there :p

uhm... you are kidding, right?

Trawling other spec files is a good way to learn some tricks,

True. But if everybody goes ahead and does that --> quite a waste of resources. .spec files are also scattered with exceptions, people might take an "exception" and use it as their "standard", and that might not be the way it should be done. /me thinks one document containing the prefered way to do things and also describing why certain things are done that way (--> some reading material for newby packagers).

but only because we haven't got a better document.


But things could be done
better, for instance we would be using %{?_with}-style macros in a
similar way to the way the Gentoo guys use their "use" flags.

And there are probably many more improvements to be considered...

We need to do better than this... at least write a page on the wiki
about it... or make a link on the wiki to where the document is.

Thierry had it on his todo list to update the howto, but if Thierry agrees, it may be more efficient to dump the current mdk-rpm-howto into the wiki?

I got started on it, but decided to ask the list first.

The conclusion of the discusion was that it is a good idea, but we (I think Dams was also involved in the thread) weren't sure how it should be done.
- One big document, or split up per chapter?
- Naming of chapters in WiKi style or not?



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