> I got started on it, but decided to ask the list first.
> The conclusion of the discusion was that it is a good idea, but we (I
> think Dams was also involved in the thread) weren't sure how it
> should be done.
> - One big document, or split up per chapter?

IMHO, split up by chapter is better.
One big docuement is not pratical, because of the time evolved to 
transmit it over the net , to read it and so on.

With one big page, we will see that all the document have been updated.
With small chapter, we will see which chapter have changed.

> - Naming of chapters in WiKi style or not?

This would be consistent to name them in a wiki-like fashion, and will 
favorate the linking through the pages.

I do not see why we should not name them in the wiki style, but, i may 
be wrong.


Mickaël Scherer

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