On Sun, Jul 27, 2003 at 12:53:30PM +0200, Buchan Milne wrote:
On Sun, 27 Jul 2003, Luca Berra wrote:
the big fat warning is: you must change the timestamp of the message
file to match the time of the envelope which is lost when converting to
cyrus format else you will find a lot of angry users knocking at your
door after the conversion.

Would you like to say why? The only issue I have seen is that the flags weren't retained (read/replied etc).

yes, the filetime is the received time of the message, if lusers sort mails by received time they will get mad at you. Besides that i don't remember if it was mozilla or outlook but it showed the filedate as the date of the message in the mailbox listing, and someone did not like having all 10K+ messages dated today the morning after the migration :)

btw. you would also like to subscribe users to the mailbox (very easy if
the subscribed db is in flat format, messy if it is not)

Btw. i'd just put them in as documentation.

Well, it doesn't matter how thy go in, all that matters is that they work without any hacking. It's ridiculous if anyone migrating has to spend more than a man-day trying different migratio methods!

maybe after your migration you could put your findings somewhere in
The problem is that UW is so messy and unstructured that converting
from there to anything structured is going to be a PITA anyway.


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