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Luca Olivetti wrote:
> Buchan Milne wrote:
>> I have just tried the bsd2cyrus/folderxfer etc script, but cpmsg doesn't
>> seem to want to do anything with the formail output.

Well, it seems if the folder exists, it will migrate mail ... but
somehow you have to create the folders.

> Now you know why I didn't include them ;-)
> No, seriously, the problem with these scripts is that they try to
> manipulate the datastore directly instead of through the protocol. Since
> the format of the datastore could change, the only recommended way is to
> speak to the server with the imap protocol.

Sure, but this makes it really difficult. Since now you have to hack
around, first getting whatever tool you are using to decide how to name
folders (dots or slashes), whether to use a prefix or not, and you have
to fake authentication (or know all the user passwords), and it's
difficult to do in batch.

Why isn't there a tool to accept mail straight into the mailbox in cyrus
for this purpose, that can only be run as the cyrus user, and will
deliver to a specified mailbox without any changes to the message??

>> BTW, I consider this to be a relatively significant issue, since it
>> seems 95% of all users who start a mail server on Mandrake get trapped
>> in uw-imap, so I feel we should provide an easy way to escape!
> At the time I used one of the programs from UW imap utils, but it isn't
> perfect.

And they weren't packaged for 9.1 .... grrr, rebuilding even more packages!

> This week there's been a thread on the cyrus list regarding
> migration.
> In the thread starting here:
> these programs have been suggested:

This one I hadn't seen before, but it seems we will need to have a more
up-to-date fpc (which I was going to do anyway, now I have a good
reason) to compile this:

> http://home.arcor.de/armin.diehl/imapcopy/imapcopy.html

I have tried this one before ...

> http://www.jplanglois.com/products/imapcp/

but will try again:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] imapcp-0.91]$ ./mbcp.py imap://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/mail
Source account password (mail):
Destination account password (hermes):
Starting copy...
INBOX (7725)..........Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./mbcp.py", line 715, in ?
    MBCopy( MA, MB )
  File "./mbcp.py", line 653, in MBCopy
    MB.Append( nameb, flags, timestamp, message )
  File "./mbcp.py", line 312, in Append
    raise "error appending message: " + `data`
error appending message: ['Message contains invalid header']

(it did copy about 10 messages, and will try and find the offending
message and try after removing it)

Well, I have tried most of them, and so far have actually had best
peformance from the scripts in the Simon Matter RPM. It will at least
migrate my whole inbox without losing messages, but all the read/unread
flags are gone.

I have looked at mbxcvt now, but don't you just love this part from the
man page:

       mbxcvt source format destination

       Supported  mailbox  formats  are  defined  when  the software is
       Contact your system manager  for  more  information  on  the
       mailbox formats on your system.

Hello??? How about listing some of the possible formats, or making a way
to find out what they are!!!!

Anyway, seems imap seems to be a valid format, but:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] bgmilne]$ mbxcvt INBOX imap {localhost}
Mailbox /var/spool/mail/bgmilne is in unix format and has 7699 message(s).
[Trying IP address []]
{localhost/imap} username: bgmilne
?Mailbox already exists
?Can't create mailbox {localhost}
[EMAIL PROTECTED] bgmilne]$ mbxcvt INBOX imap {localhost}/Inbox
Mailbox /var/spool/mail/bgmilne is in unix format and has 7699 message(s).
[Trying IP address []]
{localhost/imap} username: bgmilne
?Invalid mailbox name
?Can't create mailbox {localhost}/Inbox
[EMAIL PROTECTED] bgmilne]$ mbxcvt INBOX imap {localhost}/inbox
Mailbox /var/spool/mail/bgmilne is in unix format and has 7699 message(s).
[Trying IP address []]
{localhost/imap} username: bgmilne
?Invalid mailbox name
?Can't create mailbox {localhost}/inbox

So, after having tried about 6 different tools/methods (Mozilla seems
not be able to copy entire folders, whereas I am sure Netscape 4.x
could), I have no method that even comes anywhere near doing what I want.

I really can't believe this, so many people migrate from uw to courier
or cyrus, there *really* should be a guaranteed, easy way to do this.

Sorry for the rant, but this *really* *is* ridiculous.


- --
|--------------Another happy Mandrake Club member--------------|
Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
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