Buchan Milne wrote:

Laurent, I have been working on the kolab (web admin) package, but it
still needs some work, and I believe they have a bad approach to the
handling of config files, in that they auto-generate from a template,
instead of using something like libconf.

AFAIK, it's mainly the postfix config that needs to be updated (possibly
cyrus's imapd.conf, saslauthd's /etc/sysconfig/saslauth, and
proftpd.conf), so IMHO it should be feasible via libconf, and then user
changes to the file will be retained.

Buchan (or anyone that can answer),

Having looked at their configuration stuff, I have a few questions.

Do you have any idea how they are handling distro lists? (Are they using postfix alaises, mailman?) When a distro list is created, is it also automagically added to ldap? Currently I am using postfix alaises for distro list, but the I have to add an inetorgperson to ldap (so the address of the list will show up in the outlook directory).

Also, if everything is ldap driven how is ftp access granted? I had some issues with ftpd auth, and had to modify /etc/pam.d/ftp to use system-auth, and works well, but the ftp user(s) must have loginshell and homedirectory defined in ldap (from postixaccount I believe). Are these created when a new user is created?

There are probally a dozen other questions I have, but those are off the top of my head.

I am primarily using a combination of webmin, davedap and smartsieve for server admin. (As I prefer to be able to perform maint from anywhere, without physically sitting in front of the box like I would while using Directory administrator.) Would this same capability be available using libconf (I'm not fimular with that).



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