On Fri, Jun 02, 2000 at 11:28:23AM -0700, Riyad Kalla wrote:
> Sounds like you don't have perms set to these files that you are trying to
> play, are the MP3's on a windows partition? Did you download them as root?
> You might want to check that, chmod 777 one of the MP3's, then try playing
> it with XMMS, if its fixed, then your permissions are messed up, and you
> will prolly have to set them to 755 or something equivalent ( rw-root,
> r-user, r-global )

chmod 644 *mp3 is enough.
And try with mpg123 it will tell more errors log.

Thomas Poindessous
EpX asso GNU/Linux de l'Epita
[EMAIL PROTECTED] && http://www.epita.fr/~epx

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