I ran across this review of The Borg's latest offering:


The snippets that caught my eye were these:

    Like previous SBS versions, SBS 2003 includes everything a
    small business needs to get connected to the Internet,
    establish email, share files and printers, send and receive
    faxes, and so on. This time around, the product has been
    polished with better installation and deployment tools,
    simpler and more elegant management capabilities, and new
    features suggested by users, such as better backup and
    restore tools, and security-related functionality.


    "With Windows Small Business Server 2003, you get access to
    all of the raw capabilities of Windows Server 2003, as well
    as SharePoint, Exchange, SQL, ISA, and Outlook," [Guy] Haycock
    [Technical Product Manager for the Windows Server PMG] told
    me. "We don't just bundle them; instead we examined what you
    need to do to be successful. For example, how do you get all
    of that technology installed without requiring 25 CDs and 17
    hours of work? We've plugged in all the security best
    practices we've learned, and worked to help small businesses
    improve productivity out of the box."


    In keeping with previous SBS versions, Windows Small Business
    Server 2003 builds on the core capabilities of the underlying
    products, adding simple management and end user tools that
    drop all of the technical mumbo jumbo and replace it with
    clear, English-language choices. SBS' biggest benefit has
    always been across-the-board simplicity, and this version
    delivers it in spades.

With a little glow of vicarious pride, I noted that Mandrake ship at 
least two of every major app featured in SBS 2003 Premium Edition. (-:

NOw, the purpose of this message: yes, it's a bad idea to have a newbie 
and/or complete incompetent administering a system, but given that it 
will happen anyway, would it not be a good idea to make sure that it 
happens well?

What they seem to have done here is added a setup wizard and drawn out a 
few common tasks from their configuration tools into a nicer, simpler 
set of the "most wanted" configuration options. Think of the first-time 
wizard thingy that Mandrake throws at you when you log into a new 
account (via *DM) for the first time, and roll MCC and the installer 
into that.

The simplest way of offering the same functionality on Mandrake would be 
to include a welcome page (and desktop icon) for root that included a 
clear and obvious option (icon) labelled something like "Setup Guide" 
which is a page in /usr/share/doc somewhere with very simple decision 
tree in it, perhaps something like this (only with the terms even less 

Start Here
    Would you like to copy the installation media to disk?
    Would you like to automatically fetch software updates?
    Are you setting up a Server?
        Is it to be an Internet gateway/firewall as well?
            Will it masquerade/NAT for local machines?
            Do any local services need to be visible from Internet?
        ...a Web Server?
        ...a File Server?
        ...a Web Proxy?
        ...to host a complete Internet domain?
        ...to host a supercomputing cluster?
    Are you setting up a Workstation?
        Is it for home use?
        ...office use?
        ...to be an Internet kiosk?
    Click here to read the latest version of this document from
      Mandrake's web server.

This Setup Guide would need to be clearly and explicitly referenced by 
the installer and documentation, for example:

   | Finished installation
   | If you would like simple instructions to set everything up
   | and get the best out of your new Mandrake system, login as
   | the root user and click on the Setup Guide.

The basic idea is that Joe or Jane Random Schmuck should be able, armed 
only with mouse and keyboard, to configure up a Mandrake machine OOTB 
reasonably securely to be an effective server and/or workstation.

At each step, the consequences of each choice should be outlined (e.g. 
"If you leave this setting at the default (off), your database will be 
more secure but will not be accessible from other computers or even 
from local programs which expect to talk to the database over a 

Is there a neat way of doing this (presumably in SGML) so that 
translations of it all stay in sync?

Cheers; Leon

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