Is the code freeze off? It would be good if we could start packaging up
some of the newer versions of the software that is out there.

By the way, I tried the new installation (FTP'd, through a firewall on
an ADSL connection) and I'd like to say that it went great. Two minor
problems that I saw:

1. If you try install Netscape from Crypto after installing the normal
version, it blows out. The installer may want to be a little smarter and
uninstall the weak encryption version first.

2. When you create a normal user at install time it also creates a group
that matches the user. That means I get john:john instead of john:users
as would be expected. Easy to fix, but it's a goofy problem.

Other than that, the install was smooth and the graphical installer is
much better than before. Keep it up guys.


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