On Monday 04 August 2003 12:32, Buchan Milne wrote:
> The only possible bug report for your experience is possibly requesting
> a default to kdebase-kdm instead of mdkkdm. All your other issues are
> addressed by tools made available to you for that purpose, you just
> didn't use them ...

I was thinking more along the lines of "how on earth was I even supposed to 
know there was such a thing as mdkkdm for me to get rid of?"  I just double 
checked the 9.1 new features list and there's definitely no mention of "new 
improved login manager".  

Having used the KDE control center to change login manager settings as long as 
we've been running KDE, being that the login manager still appeared to be a 
Qt app and knowing Mandrake's odd penchant for using Gtk for everything, and 
being that the KDE login manager control module was still there acting as it 
ever did, what (other than joining the cooker list after downloading the 
first beta of the next version and happening onto a thread about display 
managers) would have led one to realize the login manager was a new Mandrake 
thing rather than a KDE 3.1 thing?  Will I need to rpm -qa | grep mdk. after 
each update to see what else has silently been replaced by an in-house app?  
Those are the questions I would want to condense into a bug report.  


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