Szakacsits Szabolcs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>   2) Maybe printing the reason, why non-destrcutive partitioning isn't
>      possible could help in cases. Occasionally these are happening:
>      - inconsistent NTFS -> user must run chkdsk (not from the gui
>        but from the command line).
>      - one of the many different inconsistent NTFS cases turned out to
>        be a very rare but still valid NTFS and I added support for it
>        (only in the development tree now)
>      - NTFS having bad sectors -> I had quite many reports, so I added
>        support to resize these as well, but it's still in testing phase.
>      - there are data at the end of the partition -> turning off
>        pagefile.sys and/or hibernation helped many people, the development
>        version of ntfsresize can also tell what are those files.

how do i know which pb occured?

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