On Wed, 2003-08-27 at 08:32, Dave Cotton wrote:

> Frequently when it all blows up in their faces after release we get the "well 
> nobody told me so I assumed it was all right" type of posting. How many 
> people are actually trying to test on as near to production as possible 
> machines, I doubt more than a handful. There cannot be many because the 
> mirror debacle over the last few days has not created a mass of postings. 
> Mirrors all over the world have not been updating, mirrors have multiple 
> versions of the same package. I receive changelogs that never reach a mirror.

I see about five people posting to the list moaning about the mirrors,
so I don't post to the list moaning about the mirrors. Why would I? It's
pointless duplication of effort. I simply consider the problem
sufficiently well flagged up and wait for it to be fixed. What would be
the use of the hundreds of people who test Cooker (read the archives and
count the names...) all posting to the list with almost identical moans?

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