On Thu, 2003-09-11 at 01:07, Felix Miata wrote:
> Adam Williamson wrote:
> > On Wed, 2003-09-10 at 15:27, Felix Miata wrote:
> > > The above is very offensive, not so much the family as the size. Those
> > > using high resolution displays like 1600x1200 or above see 12px as
> > Only if their system is misconfigured.
> Absolutely not!
> > If you use 1600x1200 on a monitor
> > below 17" in size, you're misusing it.
> Absolutely not! Maybe you'd like to explain the preponderance of
> notebook displays of about 15" that are optimized for 1280x1024 (SXGA),
> 1400x1050 (SXGA+), or even 1600x1200 (UXGA)?

With pleasure. A 15" laptop display is equivalent to a 17" CRT, and LCDs
are generally better at being viewable at high resolution anyway, so
1280x1024 or 1400x1050 are perfectly acceptable on them. Personally, I
think 1600x1200 is still too high for a 15" LCD. I wouldn't buy a laptop
which had such a screen.

> > For a monitor 19" in size or
> > bigger, 12pt fonts at 1600x1200 should look pretty much the same size as
> > 12pt fonts at 1280x1024 on a 17" monitor, for instance. Point sizes are
> Actually not. 1600x1200 is a standard 4/3 aspect ratio, while 1280x1024
> is a bastard 5/4 ratio, and everything is malproportioned as a result of
> the latter. See http://members.ij.net/mrmazda/auth/aspect.html

Yes, I know this. It was simply an example resolution in the sensible
range for monitor size / resolution tradeoff.

> Then there's the DPI issue. Pt sizes depend on DPI as well as monitor
> size and resolution, while px sizes only depend on monitor size and
> resolution. Pt is not an appropriate way to size display fonts:
> http://www.w3.org/TR/WAI-WEBCONTENT/#tech-relative-units
> http://bobby.watchfire.com/bobby/html/en/gls/g104.html
> > relative, not absolute, and therefore if you configure X correctly and
> > use a reasonable resolution for your display size, a 12pt font will be
> > perfectly fine.
> 12pt should be fine for about anyone in any case. However, the web page
> at issue was not using pt, but rather px, which is entirely different.
> Visit http://members.ij.net/mrmazda/auth/allreschooser.html to
> understand the impact of 12px, regardless of resolution.

Ah, I thought webpages set sizes in pt. My bad, sorry.

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