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Buchan Milne wrote:
| Levi Ramsey wrote:
|>On Mon Sep 15 23:17 +0200, Buchan Milne wrote:
|>>This is only of value of course in places where fast connections are
|>>ubiquitous ... I would *stronly* suggest not pissing off users who
|>>bought boxed sets (or other media from the store) since they don't have
|>>the bandwidth to download ISOs ...
|>My suggestion is: do not include them on the download ISOs.  If you have
|>the bandwidth to get the ISOs with any degree of speed, you can do a net
|>install on the servers.
| I thin that's a bad assumption. It's a bit difficult for me to do a net
| install when I am not near (bandwidth-wise) a mirror (but it's no
| problem installing off a CD I wrote from a mirror when I don't even have
| an internet connection).

Even worse, did you imagine installing cca >20 machines ? Are you going
to do network install on each of them ? Probably not - you either mirror
the directory on a local server or burn CDs or "ghost" the machines, if
they are identical (not always the case).

I have a big pipe here (university), but the idea of downloading the
stuff 20 times would warrant a very quick attention of our network
admins - you know, somebody finally has to pay for the bandwith (we pay
something like 15 CHF/1GB - cca 11 USD/1GB). So even when I am sitting
almost next to the major Swiss mirror (SWITCH in Zurich) on a big pipe
(400Mb/s, I think it was upgraded to >1Gb/s recently), I am going to use
the ISOs or local mirror and not do network install.

Further, installing server from the network is dangerous, since you
could be hacked before you put all your defenses in place (firewalls,
lock down permissions etc.).



- --

Jan Ciger
VRlab EPFL Switzerland
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