On Wed Sep 17, 2003 at 08:37:31PM +0200, Jan Ciger wrote:

> | There are problems on other platforms as well.  I haven't seen any reports
> | on Linux platforms yet, but OS X was segfaulting at least.  That alone
> makes
> | me wary of putting it in cooker at this point.
> Yes, I saw that one too on the mailing list :-( I gave up on 3.7.1 and
> just backported the changes in the channels.c and buffer.c to the 3.6
> which worked almost out-of-the-box (compilation issues - const vs
> non-const pointers).
> I guess it is prudent to take a wait-and-see attitude about this,
> rebuilding OpenSSH is not fun.

Agreed.  That's why I took the approach of patching.  Others on this list
who would have updated to the full version could have been in for a rough
time.  Guess it's a good thing I'm the one doing it.  =)

> | Yes.  Look for 1.2.[ver]mdk; those contain the updated patch for the older
> | distribs.  8mdk for cooker has the updated patch.
> OK, so my production boxes are OK, just my cooker box is not yet
> completely patched, but that is easy to remedy.


> | I didn't announce the 1.2.x packages last night because at 2am I was too
> | tired and wasn't sure if there would be a third round of building.
> I believe you :-) I had this patching frenzy last time when there was a
> big hole in PHP and I had to rebuild PHP+Apache+Webmail suite several
> times in a row - I finished at 7:00 AM next day.

Yeah... that's not fun, but I've also been there.

> |>pissed off with the vision of spending night debugging ssh :-((
> |
> | You are not alone on that one.
> I managed to get rid of that problem already, but it seems that some of
> our Windows boxes are *still* not patched for the recent RPC hole.
> Aaaarghhh ...

Then you have even bigger problems.  =)

/me who is now off to test sendmail updates

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