On Sun, 28 Sep 2003, Robert L martin wrote:

> > What about a "metadistro" with a cdrom (in the future a dvdrom) runing 
> > Mandrake from the cd-driver? similar to Knoppix but with all the Mandrake 
> > goodies.
> > 
> there are a couple mandrake related projects to do exactly that. Maybe 
> Mandrakesoft could "adopt" one of them and or start a wiki node with the 
> needed info?

No need.

# urpmi mklivecd
# mklivecd livecd.iso
# cdrecord dev=0,0,0 livecd.iso
# reboot

See http://minicd.berlios.de for more info.

> Doing Knoppix MIB with Mandrake files would KILL.

I am looking at doing something like this now ... but I'm not sure if I 
have access to such a version of Knoppix (is it in standard knoppix yet, 
or still a remastered version?).

> (this project boots from cd and then mounts a flash memory key with an 
> encrypted loopback filesystem that is used for the user home)

Ideally, it would be compatible with the pam_mount method so you can use 
the same $HOME on non-livecd machines.


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