Ainsi parlait Vincent Danen :
> In my mind, the best solution is to put updates in Club.  That way they
> make it to the Club mirrors and everyone can take advantage of them since
> non-Club members can also access them.  That would be my best solution and
> my preference.  Then I don't have to get involved at all.
Unless that contributers and volonteers are two different set of people, with 
different practices, and sofar everything has been done to keep them 

Even if i pesonally have an honorific club membership, i'd dislike having to 
ask yet another account just because i'd like to maintain my packages.
Enough dirt will get tracked into the tent on the first day out, that you can 
grow the food you need for the rest of the trip in rows between sleeping bags
                -- Murphy's Laws of Camping n°22

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