Le Mercredi 8 Octobre 2003 21:44, Keld Jørn Simonsen a écrit :

> Yes, it is a poster problem. And posters on the cooker list are cooker
> users. So many, even active, cooker users has not found out how to set
> their system time correctly. I suggest that ntp setup be much more
> visible in cooker and in the distribution proper.

ntpd works perfectly, ajust all the clocks.
The documentation is in file:/usr/share/doc/ntp-4.1.1/index.htm

Use ntpd! Some people think that it is intended only to make a server.
That's wrong! 
ntpd keeps the time from an atomic clock or from GPS or from another time 
server of higher level.
ntpd calculates the drift of the clocks  (software and hardware) and setup the 
drift compensations.
ntp queries the higher level clock only when its is necessary, never at a 
fixed hour to avoid the crazy solution of ntpdate in /etc/cron.daily which 
makes the servers overloaded everyday!

When ntpd is setup, the clock looks accurate and the computer can be used
as a time server. But the first job of ntpd is to keep an accurate time.

Pierre Jarillon - http://pjarillon.free.fr/
Vice-président de l'ABUL : http://abul.org/

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