Vincent Danen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > Vincent, how do you fixed it ?
> For 8.2-9.1 I do:
> genhdlist /mnt/BIG2/updates/[dist]
> For 9.2 I have to do:
> genhdlist /mnt/BIG2/updates/9.2/RPMS
> So something in 9.2 changed.  And not in the installer.

Ok, I see the point, I used genhdlist (which I guess has not be modified for
months, but I used the one of 9.2) in both case and it produced the good files
whatever the directory parameters is given...

> I'm using the same genhdlist (the host OS is corp 2.1, so 9.0-based).  If I
> need to use a 9.2 genhdlist, you need to tell me this.  =)

genhdlist of 9.0 is exactly the same as genhdlist of 9.2 (same md5sum) but the
underlying libraries have been modified, it could be the cause ?

Why don't you make genhdlist /mnt/BIG2/updates/9.1/RPMS ? it should have been
done that way no ? because by doing it the way you are doing them now, list file
are wrong. If you have an error message, let me known what it is.


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