On Thu Oct 02, 2003 at 12:05:16PM +0200, François Pons wrote:

> > > Vincent, how do you fixed it ?
> > 
> > For 8.2-9.1 I do:
> > 
> > genhdlist /mnt/BIG2/updates/[dist]
> > 
> > For 9.2 I have to do:
> > 
> > genhdlist /mnt/BIG2/updates/9.2/RPMS
> > 
> > So something in 9.2 changed.  And not in the installer.
> Ok, I see the point, I used genhdlist (which I guess has not be modified for
> months, but I used the one of 9.2) in both case and it produced the good files
> whatever the directory parameters is given...

I didn't think they had changed either.

> > I'm using the same genhdlist (the host OS is corp 2.1, so 9.0-based).  If I
> > need to use a 9.2 genhdlist, you need to tell me this.  =)
> genhdlist of 9.0 is exactly the same as genhdlist of 9.2 (same md5sum) but the
> underlying libraries have been modified, it could be the cause ?


> Why don't you make genhdlist /mnt/BIG2/updates/9.1/RPMS ? it should have been
> done that way no ? because by doing it the way you are doing them now, list file
> are wrong. If you have an error message, let me known what it is.

I'll do some tests this afternoon and see if it breaks anything (obviously
we can't ask people to remove and re-add their updates media due to this).
If it doesn't break anything, then so much the better.  If it does.... well,
in my build scripts I had to differentiate 9.2 from the other distribs and I
can continue to do that.  Not a big deal.  But if they all work the same
way, it'll be easier.

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
Online Security Resource Book; http://linsec.ca/
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