Le ven 03/10/2003 à 15:56, Buchan Milne a écrit :
> FACORAT Fabrice wrote:
> >
> > 2°/ sudo should be configure so that this user can launch WITHOUT root
> > password all drakxtools, printer administration tools.
> Agreed, plus some other things, like 'service', 'urpmi', 'urpmi.update',
> maybe 'postfix' so they can run 'postfix flush' etc:
> Cmnd_Alias      URPMI_CMND = /usr/sbin/urpmi, /usr/sbin/urpmi.update
> Cmnd_Alias      SERVICE_CMND = /sbin/service, /usr/sbin/postfix
> $ sudo -l
> User bgmilne may run the following commands on this host:
>     (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/urpmi, /usr/sbin/urpmi.update
>     (root) NOPASSWD: /sbin/service, /usr/sbin/postfix
> I mentioned this a while back, but probably too late. Can we start
> collecting more useful sudo configs?

Cmnd_Alias PRINTING = /usr/bin/enable, /usr/bin/disable
Cmnd_Alias PACKAGES = /usr/bin/rpm
Cmnd_Alias DRAKXTOOLS = all drakxtools progs
Cmnd_Alias ADSL = /usr/sbin/adsl-connect, /usr/sbin/adsl-setup,
/usr/sbin/adsl-start, /usr/sbin/adsl-status, /usr/sbin/adsl-stop
Cmnd_Alias SAGEM = /usr/sbin/showstat, /usr/sbin/startadsl,
/usr/sbin/startmire, /usr/sbin/stopadsl


> Fabrice, do you have write access to the wiki? This is the kind of stuff
> I originall meant to put under "The Big Picture":
> http://qa.mandrakesoft.com/twiki/bin/view/Main/TheBigPicture

no I don't :(

> Screenshot:
> http://ranger.dnsalias.com/mandrake/screenshots/win2k3/manage_server.png

I never saw win2k3 before. Pretty indeed. With tools like
superkaramba/gdesklet we can have some good monitoring opportunities (
/var/log/messages in desktop background, can use root-tail also +
security advisories )

> While we're here, this is a nice idea:
> http://ranger.dnsalias.com/mandrake/screenshots/win2k3/shut_down_dialog.png

mouaip ... what about a diary :D

> > Advantages :
> > - joe user connect with Admin account and manage the computer with admin
> > account. As Admin user doesn't have all the right root have, possible
> > damages will be less important : a "rm -fr" in / will have less
> > consequences ;)
> > - joe user only need to know root password for very specific task (
> > kernel recompilation, driver installation, software compilation ).
> Not kernel compilation, only kernel intallation ... software compilation
> should not need sudo (that's too complicated, and more risky IMHO), but
> in msec 4 you need to be in ctools group anyway.

You misunderstood me. joe user will need root password and be logged as
root ( so no sudo, but su instead ) if he wants to do compilation (
kernel, software )

> > - we have an account we can customize and where we will be able to show
> > all needed informations ( security advisories, logs, security email, ...
> > )
> IMHO, at least the rights (ie sudo) need to be per group.

Several Admin ? so need when you have mail/security warning the mail
need to be send to all people belonging to this group.

> And imagine if we could store sudo config in LDAP?

This is for Server config. For desktop config it's too much.
having maximum things in one place is a good thing and as you can do
backup server it's not a too high risk.

> (well, at least it allows configuration for multiple hosts in one config
> file ... but it could be better).

Let's stay simple. For this there will have no group.

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