On Thu, Oct 09, 2003 at 05:50:42AM -0700, Duncan wrote:
> Svetoslav Slavtchev posted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, excerpted
> below,  on Thu, 09 Oct 2003 12:58:46 +0200:
> > 3°/ (hi hi)
> > it could be in a sub menu "install more software",
> > which uses the menu structure of the main menu,
> > has nice icons, and a good description
> I like this idea.  Have one entry on the menu that leads to another copy
> of the menu, as suggested.
> Note that menu right-clicking would be a function of the environment used.
> KDE, the Mdk default, may well (probably will, as the current menu is
> comparable to the Win95 menu at this point, and folks used to W98+
> functionality with dynamic right-clickable reorganizeable menus would
> find it useful) include right click functionality of their own at some
> point. I don't believe patching Mdk's KDE to include install, therefore,
> is a very good idea.  

Well, mdk could coperate with kde on this menu functionality
enhancement. And kde could make an API or wrapper so that urpmi or apt-get or
what-have-you could be used for installation.

As I wrote, a number of things could be available by right-clicking in
the menu. One thing I miss, is deletion from the menu, or
uninstallation. I think there are too many items in some of the menus,
and would like to get rid of some of them. This could also actually be
done by a "del" button hit, and additon could also be done by an
"insert" maybe at the menu category name. However, this should not
become too obscure.

Best regards

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