Le jeu 09/10/2003 à 12:50, Duncan a écrit :
> Svetoslav Slavtchev posted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, excerpted
> > it could be in a sub menu "install more software",
> > which uses the menu structure of the main menu,
> > has nice icons, and a good description
> I like this idea.  Have one entry on the menu that leads to another copy
> of the menu, as suggested.

beurk !
In all usability test you will see that you should avoid more than 3
level in menu. Another sub menu could put 4 level and even 5 level !
tooo much.
And you will decide which apps to put ?

> Note that menu right-clicking would be a function of the environment used.
> KDE, the Mdk default, may well (probably will, as the current menu is
> comparable to the Win95 menu at this point, and folks used to W98+
> functionality with dynamic right-clickable reorganizeable menus would
> find it useful) include right click functionality of their own at some
> point. I don't believe patching Mdk's KDE to include install, therefore,
> is a very good idea.  

That's the problem. mdk support kde AND gnome. If kde have a feature
that gnome doesn't have it's not good at all and then mdk galaxy doesn't
need to be done.

> However, having as one entry a nested copy of the main menu layout, with
> all possible entries on it, for (un)installation, would be manageable
> using the current interface.  All it would require would be some more text
> format .mnu files under /usr/lib/menu, and perhaps loading a few more
> icons, tho not many as many of them are used multiple times as is.  

1°/ disk space
2°/ complexity when parsing this
3°/ menu bloat
4°/ time/cpu consuming when need to update menu ( as you need to reparse
everything, etc ... )

> Item entries on this new menu would call up a tool that would see if it
> was installed already or not.  If so, it would offer the user the option
> of uninstalling it.  If not, it would offer the user the option of
> installing it.

this features exist before ( normal click and not right click ) and mdk
remove it as this was too buggy.

> Alternatively, packages could be modified to change this menu entry upon
> installation, and change it back upon uninstall.  In this way, the entry
> could display say an x if uninstalled, or a plus if installed, making it
> immediately obvious what was installed from the installer menu, without
> having to take a trip back out to the main menu to look again, if in doubt.

How are you going to manage this ?

S'il y a plus d'hommes de coeur que d'hommes d'esprit, c'est que l'on ne
peut pas feindre dans le second cas. Anatole France

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