Eric Fernandez wrote:

When you insert the CD 1 of download edition (not tried with the powerpack) under Windows, the Welcome window shows 9.1 instead of 9.2.
It is such details that make people say the distribution is rushed and not polished...

Polishing is VERY important, and Mandrake should take care of it for the next distribution. Having a nice, clean Desktop at start, with a complete K bar would be nice, not two small icons (I signaled it on Bugzilla that icons should be in "medium" size at start".

Anyway, since you are going to remaster the 9.2, please correct the wrong 9.1 Window title under Windows.


i just wanted to say LOL!!!!!!!

the title of the install disk (under windows of course) says 9.1!
oh my god... i cannot beleave that your released it? whats next? calling it "debian"? LOL....

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