Hi Buchan,

>>>> My Samba box stalls after some usage, mapped drives disappear and
>>>> users can't write or read from drives. The stalls happen randomly.
>>>> I'm running 2.4.19-16mdksmp and Samba 2.2.7a-9.2mdk. May I ask is
>>>> this a kernel bug or Samba bug? Does anyone know a fix for it? I
>>>> checked the memory from BIOS, they didn't report any errors.
>>> BIOS memory check is (mostly) useless. Use memtest86 or similar.
>> I ran memtest and found no error. Do you have other suggestions that
>> I can further troubleshoot this? There are no cards plugged to the
>> system. The system just runs software RAID. Thus it seems to be
>> either XFS, md or samba bug.
> I would guess XFS. You may want to try a more recent kernel? (Thomas
> hinted that earlier kernels may have had some issues with XFS). But I
> think I'm running on XFS on the only production Winbind box I have at
> present (running 8.2 still!), with no problems. But the only box I
> have running XFS with an smp kernel runs 9.1.

I did upgrade samba to 2.2.8a-2mdk, but problem still persists. I now
upgraded kernel-smp-2.4.19-35mdk-1-1mdk as per MDKSA-2003:074. I will report
back on my findings. BTW, how do I find out what XFS revision is included in


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