Luca Berra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> maybe we should change default postfix forcing
> mynetwork_style=host, so there would be two step to open a relay
> 1) change inet_interfaces to be able to receive mail
> 2) set mynetworks (comments should advise to leave mynetworks_style
> alone)
> This makes sense, since there are people who don't want to relay mail,
> but might want to receive it.

I'd say it's nice. However, why is it using "subnet" by default?
Maybe Wietse/others have good reasons for it? I'd prefer they
back the change on their side - also, it's better for us to
change only the lowest possible number of parameters, so that new
users are less lost when setting up our package for their needs.

> Since we are speaking of postfix default setup, it seems that Vietse has
> strong feelings against chrooting postfix by default. Simon J. Mudd
> provided a script in his rpms to add/remove the chroot by user request.
> I personally never had a problem with chroots, but what is the feeling
> around here?

I speak as maintainer of postfix - however it's public knowledge
that I don't know so much postfix after all :/.

I'd say that chrooting is good for security, and it's generally a
good option. People wanting more complex or
problematic-with-chroot configs can normally easily remove it. It
would help to know what are the strong feeling sof Wietse.

Guillaume Cottenceau -

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