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Subject: Re: [Cooker] Help...Someone..!
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2000 19:50:21 +0100
From: Peter Ruskin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

<rant mode>
Thanks for that.  I await your menu editor.  I have read the contents of
/usr/doc/menu-2.1.5, and I'm trying to live with it, but I *do* *not* like
it at all.  If I wanted to be dictated to about how I do my everyday work
then perhaps I would have chosen a distribution like Debian.

The way forward for Linux is for it to get on everybody's desktop.  The
KDE people know this and have been doing great work to promote an
alternative desktop operating system.

I moved from RedHat to Mandrake mainly because it seemed more KDE-friendly
but now I'm not so sure.  Hey, KDE already has a perfectly good menu
editor, despite Mandrake's attempt to hide it (Configuration ¦ Other,
would you believe).  I like to organise my menus to reflect *my* work, for
         -- Document control
         -- Programming
         -- User guides
         -- Ornithology
         -- Finance
         -- Japanese porcelain
         -- Gardening stuff
All right, some of the headings are fictitious, but I could do that before
ML71, by adding the appropriate folders and .kdelnks to /usr/share/applnk.
I'm still trying to do this now, by adding .kdelnks to /usr/share/applnk
and adding entries in /etc/menu then calling update-menus.  The new menu
items live only until I install an RPM - when my `rogue' .kdelnks simply
get wiped out without question -- this is pure arrogance.

Out of sheer bloody-mindness, I continue, carefully backing up
/usr/share/applnk so I can restore *my* links when a new RPM has zapped
them.  But I really don't need this and I'd appreciate it if you would
consider whether the Debian Menu System really is "excellent software" or

</rant mode>
On Wed, 12 Jul 2000, Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
> Peter Ruskin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I'll make a note of that one - thanks ... *but* ...
> > What is wrong with this new consolidated menu system?  I was perfectly
> > happy with the old KDE menus, but I thought: OK, I'll go along with these
> > drab pastel icons if it's the way forward.
> Extract of the soon to be released next mdk-rpm-howto:
> <para>
> As of the 7.1 version of Linux-Mandrake, we now use the Menu System
> written by Debian.
> </para>
> <para>
> This excellent software provides a Window-Manager independant way to
> register an application to the system. Most of the time, this registration
> will become effective in the Start button or alike of your favourite
> Window Manager.
> </para>
> <para>
> It works like this: each package includes a file in directory
> <literal>/usr/lib/menu/</literal>. Most of the time the filename will be
> the name of the package. In this file, it will have one line per
> menu-entry, like this:
> </para>
> > However, if I install an RPM from Cooker, Contribs, etc., and it doesn't know 
> > about 'Amusement', 'Configuration' or the other new menu items, it reads the 
> > applnk and makes a new menu item, for example, the old 'Utilities'.  
> > 
> > That's OK, I can find it.  But the next time I boot - it's disappeared.  How can I
> > stop this happening?  I want to be able to customise the menus *without*
> > something cancelling my changes between sessions.
> We are working on a menu editor. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> For the moment you can edit the entries by hand ; all the menu entries
> have to be in /usr/lib/menu
> Read /usr/doc/menu*/* for more information
> -- 
> "Pixel, il faut mettre un peu de chaleur dans tes contacts humains" (c) Titi

 Peter Ruskin          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Wrexham, UK          KDE - the professionals' choice


 Peter Ruskin          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Wrexham, UK          KDE - the professionals' choice

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