I think one must do the following:

The RPM package inserts its menu entry on installation and deletes it on
uninstall and in the case that the necessary submenu is missing, it
creates it and in the case that a submenu gets empty it deletes it, but
it never deletes any other menu entry than its own one. If every RPM
package would do so one has menu entries for all installed RPM packages
and one can add entries as one wants without loosing them at the next
RPM (de)installation. If the menu update is done by an external script
and not by the RPM package itself, the post-install script of the
package should call the menu updater with the name of the menu item as
argument, so that the updater only treats this entry and none of the
other entries.


Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
> Put your links as menu entries in /usr/lib/menu/ and you'll have no more
> problems. :-)
> We've been criticized a lot for that menu system. Of course mainly by KDE
> or Gnome users, because on these desktops the menu system was standardly
> quite usable, compared to the one in icewm and so on.
> But, we (at least, "I") still believe that this is a good thing. Whatever
> RPM you install from our install cd, you'll get the menu entry in a
> uniform way, at the logical location, whatever WM you use. Now the menu is
> full of many apps ;-).
> Moreover, it's *very* good for the "newbie" users, for which this is a
> pain to "guess" what binary they have to use to try the software they want
> to. I often heard questions like "which is the *code* to launch <that
> program>". That reflects the understanding of basic users, and we have to
> make their life easier. Everyone has been a basic user once in his life.
> And for me, who I believe is not a "basic" user, it's a very neat system,
> once you know that you have to put the menu entries in the correct
> location. Of course, the kde menu editor is for the moment perfectly
> useless and this is a problem. I believe the menu editor soon to come
> shall fix that.
> --
> Guillaume Cottenceau -- Distribution Developer for MandrakeSoft
> http://www.mandrakesoft.com/~gc/

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