> Now, what you could do is the following (if you have a spare machine and
> way too much time on your hands):
> - Install the 7.1 release of mandrake's sparc distro;

I've done that.  Been using it on my Ultra1 Creator since it came out.  It's my
daily workhorse because the 20" Trinitron screen is just so nice to look at and
the keyboard is nicer than the PC one I have.  I also run LM on my Athlon
550MHz and I'm looking forward to the upcoming 7.2 realease with KDE 2 on it.

> - mirror the current cooker (or 7.2b) SRPMS;
> - start systematically rebuilding and updating your system to the
> current cooker (or 7.2b) distro (I'll help you out with a few scripts
> that can make life easier);
> - report bugs to the cooker list.
> Of course only a mad man would do something like that ;-)

If this had come about two weeks ago, I may have had the time.  Unfortunately, I
leave for Europe in a week and have quite a few things to tie up before then. 
If I started on it then I'd have to leave it half-cooked ; )

Could you give me some more info on how long it would take and sort of a quick
outline on the process?  I'd really like to work on it but I won't be back from
Europe until about a week into October.  I might have a chance to get something
started though.  It depends on what's involved and who else is doing what, if

I should be in Paris late in September and I thought I might try to
stop off at the LM offices there.  Is this the address of their office, or is
it just a mailing address?

MandrakeSoft S.A. : 43, rue d'Aboukir - 75002 Paris - France 

I have never been to France before, so I don't have a clue about how to get
around in Paris.  Is there even an office to visit, or is it just a lot of
people working remotely?

I'll be checking my email for a reply.  hope to hear something soon.

Tom Korte

> > I haven't heard anything about it so far, but I don't read a
> > lot of the cooker messages because they are mostly about the PC port - I let my
> > mail filters look for references to "sparc" and read those.  Unfortunately,
> > there are very few of those to come through here.
> True. The alpha port gets a bit more exposure since a mad dutchman is
> working on that (sort-of).
> > Can anyone at LM tell me if there's going to be a port of this in the near
> > future? I'm really interested.
> Chmoeul, Pixel?
> Stefan

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