Actually KDE is now completly GPLed, not imperfect as you put it.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Franck Martin
Sent: Tuesday, 12 September 2000 3:22 PM
Subject: RE: [Cooker] [Fwd: [HC Hello] Mandrake helix-gnome rpms;)]

This is what's happen when the main GNOME developper see all these people
making money and nobody wanting to pay his salary... I'm worried that by
grabing GNOME development to Helix/GNOME it calls for the dimiss of GNOME.
KDE with its imperfect licence is developped in EU, where software money
making scheme (SCAMS?) are less strong than in the US.

Cf Linux, cf KDE, cf Debian, cf Mandrake. vs Redhat, Corel, GNOME, and

Franck Martin
Database Development Officer
SOPAC South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission
Web site: <>

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-----Original Message-----
From: frank [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: [Cooker] [Fwd: [HC Hello] Mandrake helix-gnome rpms;)]

On Mon, 11 Sep 2000, John Grange wrote:

> that is simply lazy that is for sure if we can keep up with them there is
> NO reason that they can not make it in the first place they are keeping up
> with how many different distribs??

i'd guess that the folks at helix are far too busy writing press releases on

what they're "gettin ready to gonna do" to have's, from miquel,

explains how they'll be selling weather reports for $3 - $5 a month...(a
certain money-maker)...that and that abiword is no longer of interest to
gnome/helix now that sun has dumped star office on them...


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