Vadim Plessky wrote:
> That's right. In fact, I took a look at Helix-Gnome RPMs, which I downloaded
> from Helixcode site.
> It says:
> Distribution: Helix-Gnome
> So, Helix competes DIRECTLY with Mandrake, SuSE, RedHat and whoever.
> I am really surprised HOW PATIENT Mandrake is.

Wrong! Helix is a GNOME distribution, not a GNU/Linux distribution.
Helix wants the GNU/Linux distros to use their stuff (probably as a
price for doing the packaging for them). Put another way, Helix is doing
the shit work. Making packages and rolling them out to the whiney
kiddies (myself included) is not a fun job. I'm sure they'd rather be
writing code. And besides, Helix never plans to make money off of GNOME,
their plan is to sell services, and custom application development.
> HelixGNOME is nor free product, for sure. It is controlled by one company.
> May be, possible solution for GNOME community will be to split development,
> and have one real independent GNOME, and one - HelixGNOME.

Helix GNOME is a completely free product. I have both the source and it
didn't cost me a dime. Helix is comprised of many the core GNOME
developers. GNOME does not release packages and they never have. The
RPMs that are on come from distros, not GNOME volunteers.
I know because I was on the failed gnome-packaging mailing list. It died
miserably because no one wants to sit around and create RPMs for
everbody. Helix is a GOOD thing, for those who don't want to roll their
own RPMs/DEBs.
> I don't know how big Miguel's personal contribution in GNOME coding.

You have just shown your ignorance. You now know absolutely nothing
about GNOME. Please shut your pie hole and quit whining.
> As a person with marketing experience, I 'd say that:
> 1) Helix started very agressivly and did several very clever and right things.
> All major announcements were connected to LinuxWorld, and they have got good
> press coverage. And a lot of attention.
> 2) Now, they are doing WRONG things. I will not wonder if press starts
> negative coverage on them soon.

What the fuck have they done wrong? Oh, I'm sorry, they made GNOME easy
to use and frequent, easy updates.
> To add more. Even GNOME Foundation is not bad thing. Question is HOW it will
> be managed. From my experience, big companies can't manage such stuff. They
> are TOO BIG. If Miguel will rule GNOME foundation as Imperator /or Tsar :-)/,
> GNome Foundation will become just department of HelixCode.

Wrong again! Anyone can join the GNOME Foundation and become an active
member just by sending an email to the proper email address (available
in the Foundation FAQ)
> Anyway, 9 of 10 new startups go bankrupted, let Miguel go his way.

Nice fucking attitude. It's good to see how people support companies who
do cool shit and give it away for free.

Sorry to be so pissed off, but its ignoramous like you that leads to all
these stupid negative articles in the press.


Steve Fox

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