On Wed, Sep 13, 2000 at 09:58:25AM -0400, Serge Lussier wrote:
> > 
> > Beta 2 available
> > (http://forum.mandrakesoft.com/article.php3?sid=20000913032627)
> > 
> > The new Beta of Linux-Mandrake 7.2 is now available, this
> > new beta include new tools not present in the first beta
> > and need even more feedbacks from you.
> > 
> > You will now be able to test the new graphical boot (Aurora)
> > as well as profile manager (DrakProfile). menudrake also
> > get particular attention and now allow you to configure
> > the menu as user for all your window managers. KOffice,
> > the KDE 2 office suite, should also take your attention,
> > as well as all the new games (clanbomber, pingus, bzflag,


I tried the beta2 install. I just finished that, and it went without
any problem. I have nonetheless a remark concerning individuall 
package selection in expert mode:

Some popup windows do appear when there are potential dependencies
problem. But the packages shown are often weird. I give just some
examples : does DrakConf really depend on lestiff ? Does xscreensaver
really depend on umb-scheme ? I don't think so, but when i tried
to deselect umb-scheme, the window listed xscreensaver. Even weirder :
the xscreensaver didn't got deselected !
Globally, i think the dependency gestion gives not a good impression:
sometimes the windows proposes to remove packages which are not even
selected (a simple check could arrange that i think), sometimes packages
are show to be removed, but are not effectively. If latter the program
discovers that the mentionned package cannot be removed, then those
packages should not be shown in the first place. 

Maybe i didn't fully understood the dependency system. In that case, 
please forgive me for my remarks. 

Pascal Grosse

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