> > mcopidl.cc:688: virtual memory exhausted

> > Is this normal? What kind of box do you need to be able to compile this
> No :-))..
Thank god!!

> Usually this happens when optimization levels is too high considered
> complexity of the task involved for optimizing and available memory.
Sounds logical...

> If you remove "-O3" from the compile line it will certainly work -- well
> ok this is not a valid fix considered specfile/rpm building but..
This is now the 2nd package that does this with me. Mysql on the alpha
also eats up everything it can get. With 128Mb in my alpha it will crash
the machine or make it useless --> starving mem out of daemons, etc.
512Mb of mem is enough, it completes without swapping too much. Mysql
only does this on my alpha, on my x86 (normally 128Mb) it compiles fine.

What frightens me is that one day I'm going to compile kdelibs on my
alpha (if Troll ever gets qt2 ported to _modern_ alpha system, not a 2
year old RedHat 5.2). What's going to happen then? Alpha's are a bit
more memory hungry than x86, good chance it might even starve Mandrake's
1Gb alpha box.

Is it rediculous to ask the following: which specifications must the
machine of a developper (or idiot that tries to help) be? Shouldn't
128Mb in an x86 box be enough nowadays? How much does the -O3 help
speedup kdelibs over an -O2 or -O1? Can the "heavy optimalisation" be
commented out during development & turned on just before release
(damn... we're there already, just B4 release...)?


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